Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Wait

It's morning again and the comfort of the silent night passed too quickly once again.  I make breakfast for the children as I wonder if I will hear from the business that I desperately hope will contact me regarding a job.  Much to my dismay, anxiety courses through my bones as the impending dilemma of going broke confronts me.

I have to reach within but the space there seems vacant as the uncertainty like a dark hole threatens to engulf me. "Where am I?" I ask myself.  "Where have "I" gone to?" I further inquire.  The mind like a thief of time plays it's scenario's like a broken record when in all reality the phone is bound to ring at any moment delivering the good news.  I have more than enough credentials and skills for this job.

The children meanwhile are doing their online studies so eager to learn.  I must follow their example of lightheartedness and the carefree way they adapt to their surroundings.  As children they live in the moment of now and have no care for tomorrow.  As an adult, I look back and wonder how long ago I lost that ability, then I wonder how I can get it back but the answer doesn't come.  Too often the answer doesn't come, only a  summary of every road I might have traveled but didn't thus leading me to the place I have arrived in.

I think perhaps I should view a meditation video or read something inspirational or pray to something I don't even believe in.  Oh, I know I am of the spirit that I am more than just a figure with arms and legs but the world has a way of discounting that.  My own mother has rejected me saying "you have no job and no money, what good are you to me, I have no reason to talk with you."  Ah yes, this sting of motherly rejection cuts deeply, slicing my heart open with a force so savage it defies all decency.  I look at my mistakes, yes I've certainly made my share but should my worth be annihilated for them?  I sometimes think that this is the way of the world.

There is the story.  There is always a story.  I must release the story but how can one erase a memory so painful?  I must find a way.  I run from the pain of it instead of feeling it.  I must walk into the heart of that pain to end it.  I must love my pain.  So I do that now, I feel the pain of a thousand burdens and I say "Pain, you are safe with me now.  I will love you."  I close my eyes and breathe into that place.  Slowly, the anxiety lifts by a thin layer, I breathe more deeply and I feel the need to sleep.  An exhaustion has come over me but it's better than the nervous energy that preceded it.

I go to my youngest son and we read a book.  It's just us, simple, reading yet another story.  I imagine I could write my own book, a new story to replace the old one.  I see a rainbow in my mind and a stream of light filled with love descending upon our heads, upon our bodies, magically transforming everything into a glittering gold.

I need a job so I can support my family.  I am waiting for the phone to ring.

Let it ring!


  1. Every time I tried to write a story to my life, it failed time and again until I realized there was a hand and a heart outreaching to me if only I could see or feel it. One day I did. I have written a new story in my life Annie. You can as well. The first step in the writing for me was believing in something bigger than me and...let me tell you from the size of this body...that was asking more than I could deal with for a long time. It all intersects many times a day, many opportunities to see and do and be...all that you can be. I love your heart Annie. You are not alone, it is up to you to accept that and move forward in the faith of that and a divine plan we are all a part of in the cosmos.

  2. Thank you, As The Wind Blows, for your beautiful comment. I so believe in the invisible threads that connect us all to the source of wisdom that surpasses anything we might create from just our minds and thoughts. I am trying to not only make the connection wider and more accessible but also a place for me to live in. I think when I write, I am closer to that place.
